envoyé par/posted by Merlinprincesse à/at 01:39PERMALINK 3 Parles moi :) ...Talk to me... :) liens vers cet envoi/links to this post
Ok I just saw your comment on Jeff's blog. Since I don't have your e-mail, I decided to answer her. I have replaced "comments" by "parles-moi:)/talk to me:)". You click on that. It's easier to clik on the part of this that is on the beginning of the second line... I am not sure I am clear...:( And I love your Matrioshkas! I have an old one I bought in the Russian Pavilion in Montreal (Expo 67) in ... 1967... :)
Well... I can be easily carried away by one thing or another, but no one will ever tell me how long will it last. For now I'm playing with a camera that I got as a gift
envoyé par/posted by Merlinprincesse à/at 01:39PERMALINK
3 Parles moi :) ...Talk to me... :) liens vers cet envoi/links to this post
Ok I just saw your comment on Jeff's blog. Since I don't have your e-mail, I decided to answer her. I have replaced "comments" by "parles-moi:)/talk to me:)". You click on that. It's easier to clik on the part of this that is on the beginning of the second line... I am not sure I am clear...:(
And I love your Matrioshkas! I have an old one I bought in the Russian Pavilion in Montreal (Expo 67) in ... 1967... :)
Yeh! That's what I wanted! Everything is a little bit too much :)
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